Saturday, January 9, 2010

Soooo... You Wanna?

I was looking through this blog the other day. All three posts of it. When I realized that I never put on here how Matty proposed to me. It started when my Grandma called me months and months ago to ask if I wanted to use her engagement ring when he finally proposed. I'm not 100% sure, but I think the conversation went something like this:

After she initially asked I said, "Weeellll, what does it look like?" In the back of my mind I was picturing the worst case scenario... gold (I have almost zero gold jewelry) with a bunch crazy tiny diamonds. What if it was extremely unattractive? How do you even tell your Grandma that her engagement ring's a big fat stinker? Before I go any further and you think that I'm a horrible person for talking to my Grandma like I'm about to, I want to say that she's a sparkplug.


Back to the story...  My Grandma pauses and says, "It's white gold and I loved it when your Grandpa gave it to me... the only thing is that it doesn't have any diamonds in it."

"What's that Grandma? You say you're giving me a cleaned out wedding ring? Is it made of gum wrappers, too?"

"Maybe... you'll have to wait and see."

"You're crafty, Grandma, but I'd love to see it. We'll talk after you prove it's not something you bought at Dollar General." - side note: I was being serious... she LIVES for that place


Now,  if you're still thinking I was rude to my Grandma let me take a little detour and tell you a story about her.  I once asked her to knit me a white scarf because she kept going on and on about how good she was getting at knitting.  She agreed and a month or two later she gave me an adorable white scarf.  I wore it so proudly, telling all my friends that she had made it and blah blah blah.  She later confessed that she bought it at a flea market and lied to me about making it. 

(This is what she looks like when she's NOT fibbing about gifts...)

So the next time I was able to go to Missouri she showed it to me and I loved it. I gave it to Matty and he put diamonds in it. And then I waited. And waited. And waited. I got the ring in the early fall / late summer and I didn't get it until he proposed on New Years Day. Here's how it happened...

I guess before Thanksgiving Matty went to a park in town called Swanson Park that we like to take Chowder to (when we want to brave her crazy anti-other dog behavior) and walked to this pretty wooden bridge that I've always loved.

He had carved "Ashlee will you marry me" in a spot under the rail and waited.  And waited.  And waited.  Come to find out, he really wanted my parents to be in town for it so he was totally ready on Thanksgiving.  They couldn't make it.  I couldn't figure out why he was so upset about it at the time.  I mean, I love my parents but he was super sad.  Fast forward to New Years Day and he said he wanted to take Chowder to the park since it was such a nice day.

After Chowder walked in the woods for awhile, we got back to the bridge and he said, "What's that say there?" Since we like to read the carvings I thought it was just some other random thing so I bent down to look and I said, "I have no idea what that says... Jerry... Jeffrey? Oooohhh" and about the time I figured it out I looked over and he was down on one knee with the ring out.

Adorable, right?  He's amazing.  If you ever want to see for yourself you can go check it out... it's on the post that says "Foxy Lady" on it.  Perfection.

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